61 Years Later, JFK's Murder Still Rocks Our World
I finally run across a comprehensive explanation that seems to pass the smell test. I pass it on.
If you were born after the mid-50s. you were probably not aware enough to be affected by the murder of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. But to us who were aware, our lives were shaken. Reality cracked, never to be the same. Still to this day. I and most of my generation are still deeply saddened by his loss.
Unlike the sleazebag politicians of both parties that we are now condemned with who spew hate and war, he was headed an administration that was hopeful, upbeat, sophisticated, cultured, intelligent. To we working class folks, he uplifted us. By identifying with him and his gorgeous, classy wife, we became prouder of ourselves and our nation. We were walking on the clouds.
He was the man who led us through the Cuban missile crisis, when we all thought we would be fried crispy by atomic bombs at any moment. He began to withdraw our troops from Vietnam before we got too involved and ultimately lost over 50,000 men and women of my generation at the hands of the corrupt Lyndon Johnson and his “I am not a crook” successor, Nixon. He gave us the Peace Corp. He asked us “not to ask what our country could do for us, but what we could do for our country.” Everywhere in the world the couple went they drew adulating crowds, and by association made us feel respected, proud and bigger than we were. They were the best of America. Then he was shot dead in front of us.
Immediately, Lee Harvey Oswald was fingered as the trigger man. The “one-man” assassination theory was immediately embraced, despite lots of doubt. I mean, if you look at the Zapruder film you can see the back of Kennedy’s head explode. How does that happen when a bullet hits him from behind? A pristine bullet that supposedly went through his skull and into John Connelly who was in the car with him was found on his stretcher. Witnesses quickly disappeared or were not questioned. The Warren Commission was hastily created and concluded there was no conspiracy. It was some skinny, sick madman, that a few days after the killing, he himself was shot dead right in front of us on TV.
None of it felt right or believable. Was it Castro? Was it the mob? Was it the CIA? Whodunnit? Oliver Stone’s 1991 movie JFK concluded it was indeed a conspiracy and claimed that Kennedy was killed as part of a coup d'état to install Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson in his place. The establishment came down on him for making such an outrageous claim.
I recently came across an article about a book called Final Judgement, The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy by Michael Collins Piper written in 2005 . This book will blow you away. It has been hidden from view because it is so controversial. With so much misinformation out there, the thing I always use to judge is does it pass the smell test. This book is highly annotated with references, quotes by established, believable people, and judging by what’s going on in the world today, makes it highly believable.
I am including the link to the book which is very hard to find
It is the entire archived book, but you really only need to scroll down the Table of Contents and read the Conclusion. Then if you’re still interested you can start at the beginning.
It’s only fitting on the 61st anniversary we get a glimpse of might have really happened. Do I believe it’s true? Doesn’t matter. Only what you think matters. Don’t be afraid to leave comments.
Photo Above: President John F. Kennedy, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, and their children John, Jr. and Caroline, at their summer house in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts 1962